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Can damages be awarded for pre-death terror?

Wrongful death actions in New York provide for specified damages to family members who suffer the loss of a loved one as a result of another person’s negligence. These damages generally include fair and just compensation for pecuniary or financial injuries such as loss of support, voluntary assistance, possible inheritance and medical and funeral expenses…. (keep reading)

Brain injuries require prompt action

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has designated traumatic brain injury as a serious public health problem in this country accounting for 30 percent of all injury deaths. Falls were the major blame for TBI and being hit by a blunt object was the second leading cause, while motor vehicle crashes was third…. (keep reading)

What laws govern injured construction workers?

Building occupants and guests are not the only negligence victims entitled to institute a premises liability lawsuit in New York. Under the state’s Labor Law, contractors and building owners must assure that safety devices are installed or used to protect workers against the harm that can be inflicted through the force of gravity. These protections… (keep reading)

Mark Epstein quoted in Newsday

Schumer: Put Long Islander on Amtrak board

Mark Epstein quoted in Newsday

How some of MTA’s extra $40M could improve the LIRR

LIRR replacing missing cushions on some train seats

Long Island Rail Road riders can take a load off on a few extra seats — at least until a conductor asks them to move. The LIRR, responding to complaints from a commuter watchdog group, is replacing missing or damaged cushions on flip-down seats on dozens of electric train cars. In December, the LIRR Commuter… (keep reading)

Mark Epstein quoted in Newsday

LIRR: 2012 ridership grew to 81.7M

Mark Epstein quoted in Newsday

LIRR: Ridership boost from Barclays events

Mark Epstein quoted in CBS New York

15 Long Island Rail Road Workers Charged In Alleged Copper Theft Scheme

Mark Epstein quoted in New York Post

15 LIRR workers, 2 others tied copper theft scheme

Mark Epstein quoted in CBS New York

15 Long Island Rail Road Workers Charged In Alleged Copper Theft Scheme

Mark Epstein quoted in New York Times

LIRR Employees Accused of Netting $250,000 From Copper Wire Stolen at Work