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What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident In NY

Fall And Fall Injury Accident At Workplace. Man Fell Down Stairs

Winter, in all its glory, is a prime time for ice and snow-related slip and fall injuries. Have you been injured in a slip and fall accident?

Immediately following a slip and fall accident, there are a number of things that need to be done. First and foremost, of course, is hiring a competent, experienced attorney. Without a personal injury attorney, you stand little chance of getting the kind of compensation you deserve.

Here, we’re going to look at what should be done immediately following a slip and fall accident. Later, weโ€™ll recommend a highly reputable, experienced legal team to handle your personal injury claim.

No matter how serious your injuries are, if you don’t follow up a slip and fall accident with the right actions, you’ll never be able to prove your case. Personal injury cases can be confusing and overwhelming.

For example: Just because you fell on someone else’s property doesn’t mean they are automatically responsible for your injuries. This is only one area in which you may already have misconceptions about slip and fall accidents and the injuries that occur during them or as a result of them.

To give yourself the best chance at winning your personal injury case, consider the following information.

Immediately Seek Medical Treatment

Even if you don’t think you got hurt in a fall, you should seek medical attention. You may not realize you’re injured or the extent of an injury. Without the testimony/treatment of a physician, you’ll have a hard time proving injury and winning a personal injury case.

According to New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules, from the date of your slip and fall incident, you have three years to file a civil action. This is the statute of limitations where New York and slip fall accidents/injuries are concerned.

Report Your Injury/Accident

As soon as you have an accident on someone else’s property, or on the job, report it to the appropriate party. You may have to fill out paperwork sooner than later, so as soon as possible, do so. If you have to seek medical attention immediately, report the incident and/or fill out paperwork at your very first opportunity.

Follow Doctor’s Orders/Treatment Recommendations

If your doctor tells you to take medication, make a follow-up visit, etc., don’t ignore it. Failing to do what your doctor says could jeopardize your case.

Limit Your Communication with Involved Parties

With homeowners (where the accident happened), witnesses, employees, business owners, etc., limit your communication. With witnesses, of course, you’re going to want to speak with them initially to get their contact information and an idea of what they witnessed. After that, let your lawyer handle it. Where everyone else is concerned, short of filling out an accident report if applicable, don’t talk to anybody. Your attorney will be happy to talk to everyone necessary.

Determine What Caused Your Fall/Slip

If at all possible, try to figure out what caused your fall in the first place. You may need this information to prove negligence on the part of a property owner.

Take Lots of Videos, Photos, etc. Right Away

If you can, grab your phone after your accident and take as many photos/videos as possible. This can go a long way toward proving your case in a court of law. Share your videos/photos with your attorney as soon as possible. If you can’t take the videos or photos, get someone else to do it for you. Don’t wait!

Gather Information from Witnesses

If anyone saw you fall, saw the cause of your fall, knows anything about the cause of your fall, etc., get their name and contact information whenever possible. Share this with your attorney and, if applicable, with the police.

Figure out How Long the Cause of Your Injury Was in Existence

Something caused your fall. After determining what it is, if you can, try to figure out how long the situation existed. This could be a case of severe negligence on the part of a property owner if a hazardous situation was ignored.

Take Notes

As soon as you can, start writing down everything you remember in a journal, on paper, etc. You’d be surprised at how fast details can be forgotten.

Don’t Give Any Statements

If the police are called to the scene, you may be required to talk to them. You’ll also want to be truthful with a doctor, if you seek medical attention (which you should). Aside from the police/doctors, however, don’t talk to anyone until you’ve talked to an attorney first.

Don’t Sign Anything or Say Anything Without Talking to an Attorney

Immediately following your accident/fall, it’s imperative you get in touch with a lawyer experienced in personal injury claims. Until you converse with your attorney, do not sign anything, don’t accept any offers, do not say anything, don’t admit to anything, etc.

Save Everything

In addition to saving any clothing or shoes you were wearing at the time of your fall, take pictures of everything. Make sure you keep everything somewhere secure from others and from conditions that could have an adverse effect on them.

Have You Been the Victim of a Slip and Fall Incident?

Are you or is someone you know the victim of a slip and fall accident and injury? If so, it’s time for someone to stand up for your rights. You deserve compensation. Let Pazer, Epstein, Jaffe, and Fein, P.C.ย  be of service.

Contact us using our convenient online form or feel free to phone us in New York at 212-227-1212, or in Huntington/Long Island at 631-864-2429.

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