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Wrongful Death

New York vehicle accident involving pedestrian causes death

A leisure walk may quickly lead to a nightmare for family members and friends. This happens when an auto-pedestrian vehicle accident occurs, as pedestrians essentially have no protection against vehicles on the road and thus are susceptible to major injury or death. These types of accidents can easily occur in New York due to someone’s decision to drink and drive, as alcohol can impair a driver’s judgment and coordination skills.

A woman recently was hit while crossing a Bronx intersection in New York, according to police. The 28-year-old man who allegedly struck her was driving while under the influence of alcohol, officials said. The woman was 32 years old and had twin toddlers.

The female victim was taken to the hospital but died there as a result of her injuries. The man who police said struck her was operating the vehicle with a suspended license and had three passengers in his vehicle. His charges included aggravated driving while intoxicated.

He will now have to face his criminal charge involving drinking and driving. However, the family of the deceased pedestrian may separately pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against him, seeking monetary damages to help to cover expenses and other financial losses tied to the vehicle accident. These may include end-of-life costs and even pain and suffering or emotional distress. If the driver is found guilty of his driving while intoxicated charge, proof of this may help to establish his financial responsibility for the fatal accident in a New York civil court.

Source: cbslocal.com, Woman Struck, Killed By Alleged Drunk Driver In The Bronx, No author, Jan. 12, 2014

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