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Bus Accidents

Bus accidents can cause serious injuries to multiple people

When several people are injured in a major New York bus accident, they and their families are typically flooded with a range of emotions. They feel scared, and this fear may turn to relief if the injuries aren’t serious. However, no matter how serious the injuries may be in bus accidents, the victims and their families may feel outrage because such an accident could have been prevented. If the driver of another car caused the bus accident due to failure to follow traffic laws, then the families of the victims can seek monetary damages through a personal injury lawsuit.

This is the situation that more than three dozen people are facing following a New York bus accident. Forty-one people suffered injuries when a city bus crashed into a car. The collision injured several people: A total of 29 suffered minor injuries, while 12 others had to be transported to the hospital for serious injuries.

The accident happened when an individual was driving a car while trying to escape police. That’s when this driver ran a stop sign. The city bus then struck the car, and the car’s driver suffered serious injuries.

A bus generally is a fairly safe mode of transportation unless either the bus driver or another person on the road is driving carelessly; that’s when bus accidents are unavoidable in a busy municipality, such as New York City. The driver of the car might have to face legal difficulties in the form of personal injury claims after causing this massive accident. The accident victims have the right to seek to hold the car’s driver responsible for the collision and to request compensation that will help them to cover medical expenses, lost wages and other expenses associated with the injuries sustained in the crash. Because the car’s driver reportedly ran the stop sign and was speeding, which may be considered reckless behavior, the injured victims may seek an award of punitive damages in addition to any compensatory damages sustained.

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