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Bus Accidents

Sightseeing bus in New York strikes pedestrian

Residents and tourist often observe numerous buses travel around the city. Whether it is for local transportation or tourism, those traveling on the bus as well as those near the bus could be seriously injured if a bus accident were to occur. Another driver, passenger, cyclist or pedestrian could be affected by a negligent driver and seriously injured by the massive vehicle.

It was recently reported that a double decker bus struck a pedestrian in the West Village. The sightseeing bus hit a 74-year-old woman near the intersection of Seventh Avenue and 14th Street. The collision occurred around 5 p.m. wen the elderly woman was crossing from the east side of Seventh Avenue to the west side of the street.

Authorities responded to the pedestrian crash and assed the woman. She was transported to the hospital for medical treatment and was listed in critical condition. Investigation is still ongoing and authorities have not issued any citations at this time.

Following a serious collision, those injured have rights regarding civil actions. A personal injury claim could be filed in order to recover compensation. The monetary award could be utilized to cover expenses such as medical bills, rehabilitation, damages and pain and suffering.

When a driver fails to abide by the rules of the road or yield to another vehicle or pedestrian, they could cause a serious crash. This collision could leave an individual seriously injured and cause them to endure financial hardships while they recover from their injuries. Those suffering from an automobile accident should understand their rights and options so the can take appropriate action.

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